Criminology Jock Young

ReThinking Criminology Jock Young

Jock Young is a very important theorist when it comes to criminology.  He has been able to contribute in a variety of different ways when it comes to how we are able to define crime as a society and what the sociological elements may be when it comes to the criminal element in a region.  Many of his papers have been published in different books and journals.  From there, his work has been able to influence the thinking and direction of other criminologists’ theories and ideas.  For the most part, his work has always been about pushing forward with ideas and theories in order to determine the roots of crime and how to eliminate the criminal element from societies.

Recent Paradigms in Criminology

A Look at Recent Paradigms in Criminology

In the Oxford Handbook of Criminology, there is a chapter in the book that was written by Jock Young.  This chapter is entitled “Recent Paradigms in Criminology”.  This piece of work is used by many people in order to take a critical look at criminology and the ways in which crime is affected by society and other influences.  There is a particular influence that is placed on the society in which a crime takes place.  In some areas the structure and organization which supports crime and the criminals, while in other areas there is more of an emphasis that is placed on the disorganization of society as a major factor in the perpetuation of crime in the area.  In order to limit crime, it is important that individuals within a society put forth the effort to understand what it is that causes crime and the release of the criminal element into the culture or society.

RaeKwon Criminology

Examining the Lyrics to RaeKwon Criminology

There are many instances of violence that are portrayed to an almost grandiose manner in rap songs, and the RaeKwon Criminology lyrics are no different.  Made up of several segments of lyrics, this rap song takes place almost as if on stage as a discussion between two people.  It opens up with a conversation between two individuals in just this manner, before it goes into the song itself.  In the opening dialogue, two men are arguing and in the middle of a verbal debate that sounds as if it is about to turn violent and physical, with the ending line being “You wanna go to war?”  This makes it very clear what the intentions of the men are.